Well as you all know, we moved to Klamath Falls, at the last minute, though we were intending to be in Portland really. Ty took a less than satisfactory job at a local elementary, when NOTHING else was available, and I am looking for a job in order for us to move out of his parents home. Then comes yesterdays paper, confirming what I already knew through trial and error. THE JOB MARKET IS NON-EXISTENT. Klamath has less than half of the living wage jobs necessary for its trained workforce. And everything else doesn't pay half. Real fun, let me tell you. Anyways, I am still trying to remain positive... But it is wearing thin...
But at least I don't have to do this... ST
Have you looked at http://klamathjobs.net? They have quiet a few jobs I think.
Good luck with that!
Sorry bud, keep plugging along, something is bound to come up!!!
Hey what's your email address??
Honey OMGoodness!!! I miss you and I am going to add your link to my page!!!! How are you guys?!?! We all miss you over here, and I think that you need to come visit so you can meet my Fiance, it will be excitning.. You will find a job no worries.. I love you both, be good and have fun! love you
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