Thursday, October 11, 2007

This whole job hunting thing stinks...

Well as you all know, we moved to Klamath Falls, at the last minute, though we were intending to be in Portland really. Ty took a less than satisfactory job at a local elementary, when NOTHING else was available, and I am looking for a job in order for us to move out of his parents home. Then comes yesterdays paper, confirming what I already knew through trial and error. THE JOB MARKET IS NON-EXISTENT. Klamath has less than half of the living wage jobs necessary for its trained workforce. And everything else doesn't pay half. Real fun, let me tell you. Anyways, I am still trying to remain positive... But it is wearing thin...

But at least I don't have to do this... ST


Julie said...

Have you looked at They have quiet a few jobs I think.

*Katie May* said...

Good luck with that!

Heitmann Family said...

Sorry bud, keep plugging along, something is bound to come up!!!

Julie said...

Hey what's your email address??

*mahaley jane* said...

Honey OMGoodness!!! I miss you and I am going to add your link to my page!!!! How are you guys?!?! We all miss you over here, and I think that you need to come visit so you can meet my Fiance, it will be excitning.. You will find a job no worries.. I love you both, be good and have fun! love you