Monday, October 8, 2007

Anne will be so proud ;)

I thought I would share with you some pictures of some of our favorite squash varieties that we have grown in Anne's garden this year. For Christmas last year, Ty and I gave Anne a book entitled, 'The Compleat Squash' by Amy Goldman. Basically it is Martha Stewart + Heirloom Squash = Fun! It inspired Anne to plant ALOT of squash, with some pretty interesting ones tossed in the mix. I was just the Johnny-Come-Lately who horned in at the end of the season and am enjoying the fruits of her labor. Anyways here are some pictures, maybe it will pique someone's interest and then I can blab a whole bunch to you about my passion for heirloom squash.


*Katie May* said...

Good looking squash! Love the white

Colton said...

It looks like five different types of pumpkins. Am I missing something here? And who is ST?

Dawn said...

That is so freakin' cool! I thought the 7 pumpkins we grew were great. Nothing compares!